Tag Archives: Cubilcle 7 Entertainment

Promethea Lives!

Well, the book has literally just gone up for sale on Cubicle 7’s website in the last half hour (it’s 12.52 as I write this).  That’s it, we’re released!  Free to run wild through the savannah grasses, noble and fearsome!  … Continue reading

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News Update

Well, now, it has been a while since I last did one of these.  I’d hoped to do one earlier, but the needs of simply getting Dark Harvest finished, and the desire to give a single news announcement that covered … Continue reading

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All Signed Up!

Visitors to the site may have noted a long silence and general lack of news for the past little while.  This is because things have been moving in the background.  Friendly chats have been had, deals done, contracts signed, and … Continue reading

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