Promethea Lives!

Well, the book has literally just gone up for sale on Cubicle 7’s website in the last half hour (it’s 12.52 as I write this).  That’s it, we’re released!  Free to run wild through the savannah grasses, noble and fearsome!  Or…something.

This past weekend was the public unveiling of the game at Conpulsion 2011.  My sincere thanks to the organisers, and to Simon Proctor for running the two demo games.  Both of those games were fully subscribed.  In both, a unique t-shirt and a copy of the PDF were awarded to the player who contributed most to the experience – though in the first game the shirt was given to the only person in the group it would fit.  You naughty snack-munchers you!  😉  A pair of PDF’s and t-shirts were also donated to the event charity auction, adding a modest total of £60 to the takings.  A few of us were around for the day, and pics were taken, as you can quite clearly see here.

There will be other demos of Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein run periodically at events Cubicle 7 attend, and also by Simon.  A signing session is going to be organised for Aberdeen in the near future, and Steve Ironside is going to be running the game for his local club there.  Watch these news pages and the forums for further announcements. 

Speaking of demos, the scenario Simon used at Conpulsion 2011 is to be written up and added to the site, complete with illustrations from Rowena Aitken.  Steve Ironside is going to write up the adventure he used in playtesting the setting, and I’m intending to get some unique art for that too.

Plans are afoot for the expansion of the Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein IP so, again, watch this space.  I’m looking forward to making further exciting announcements over the coming months.  Of course, those of us who are working on the future of DH want you, the folks who buy, read and play, to be part of that.  Use the forums to tell us what you think of the book, share the stories of what and who you encounter in Promethea, and let us know what you want to see next.  We’re listening!

For now, I’m off to have a cuppa to celebrate.



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