Thirteenth Review

Tommy Brownell has a great, if misnamed (we’re sure), gaming blog called ‘The Most Unread Blog on the Internet. Ever.’

He has posted a review of the core book, and will be following it with a review of the supplement, Resistance. You can see the full review on his site, but here are a couple of quick quotes.

“WHAT WORKS: The presentation is fantastic. There’s a lot of information in here, but it never feels overbearing. The art is well-done and well-placed, never dominating the book but adding appropriate flavor. The setting is quite disturbing, with the wealthy preying off of the poor in a most unique manner, and the horrors of Frankenstein’s machinations revealed in excruciating detail. The sealed off nature of Promethea also allows for extra intensity in setting that might not be there in a more “open” environment.

“WHAT DOESN’T WORK: The health system seems unnecessarily complicated. I probably would have liked more Talents, but with Augmentations, Assets, Privileges and Contacts, there are more options there than it appears on the surface. Perhaps my biggest gripe with the setting is that, as cool as it is, it seems to be building to a Frankenstein vs Creature encounter (okay, it says so a few times), and that seems like it would exclude the PCs from playing the major role in the future of Promethea.

“CONCLUSION: A top-notch product with an inventive spin on alternate history and the Frankenstein mythos. Certainly not the first product I’ve seen to place the Creature in the role of the hero and Frankenstein in the role of megalomaniacal madman (Dean Koontz’ series did it as well), but it still has its own spin on it that feels quite cool in its own right. Not sure I’m 100% sold on the system, as it has a few parts that feel unnecessarily complicated (like Health dice), but that may just be unfamiliarity with the system shining through. The setting alone places it on the higher end of alternate history games I’ve read.”

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