Eighth Review

In Australia, there can be only one!

Well, only one general gaming podcast.  It’s on the website Here Be Gamers, and it’s called On The Radar.  The host, Nathan, reviewed DH:LoF on the August 28th (2011) podcast.  The entire 20 minutes is devoted to the book, and he said lots of very nice things about the look of it, the setting, the fiction, the system, the art and… well, that’s everything he could say something nice about, really.  Here’s a few quotes from the review:

“I have been devouring this game over the last few weeks.”

“This is a game that I felt I just needed to shout about.  It is a really cool game that has captured my attention.”

“This is a top game.”

The Setting & Fiction

“This is good stuff.  This is quality writing, like those classic settings where once you start reading you get caught up in it, you know; you get pulled into the interesting characters and interesting events and exciting history…”

“There is also a whole heap of short fiction to help support (the setting), and this fiction builds upon the background and the history that’s already detailed and adds lots of life and character to what’s given.”

“It is wonderful stuff!  It is great writing, and Iain Lowson and the other writers on this project should be commended.  It is really, really good, engaging background material.  I must admit, a lot of the time I dig into the rules first.  This caught me.  This really got me involved and interested in the setting itself.”

The Art & Layout

“Personally, the page layout and the design and the look reminds me of the classic old World of Darkness books… …very easy on the eye…”

The System

“It is a complete role playing game.  It has everything that you would expect to find.”

“The role playing game itself is very straightforward, very intuitive, and leaves me with the impression that it will allow you to do what you want without getting in the way or distracting you from telling a really good story.”

“It’s dead easy.  Simple to remember…  I really liked it (the system).  It’s unobtrusive, it is straightforward.”

Character Generation

“In general, character generation is a lot of fun.  It creates interesting, complete characters that feel like they’re competent at what they do, and also are, I think, quite true to the classic Gothic horror tale.”

In Conclusion 

“I really, really, really like Dark Harvest.  I think that you should definitely check it out, have a look at it.”

“It’s got my juices flowing!”


One Response to Eighth Review

  1. Nathan Russell says:

    Ha! I sound like such a dork! But I meant every word – if you are reading these reviews and haven’t got yourself a copy of DH:LoF, do yourself a favour and get it already!

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