If you follow our Facebook page, you will have noticed a recent post from Paco, or Art Director on the 2nd Edition. This post, in fact:
“Today I have been sending emails around to people. They are emails about Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein and the Kickstarter that we’re organising to fund the second edition of the game.
We have some *seriously amazing* plans to make an incredible game. Watch this space!
One of the things that I have to do as line developer and art director is to choose both writers and artists who will be able to work on the game and create, not just superbly written content, but also understand the atmosphere of the whole world and create material that will set the bar for products to come.
I can’t start to tell you how exciting that is and how damn lucky I am to be able to contact people I admire and trust as creatives to work with them. Or hope to work, since a lot of the work we do will depend on the amount of money we get.
The downside? There are *a lot* of people I think would be fantastic at writing adventures for the game, but since we have no idea how far we’ll get, I don’t want to say anything to everyone.
So please start saving money. I kid you not when I say we plan to make this game one you will have every reason to be as proud of as we do.”
There you have it. There will indeed be a Kickstarter for the 2nd Edition of DH:LoF that will be launching in the not-to-distant future. Paco, Angus, and myself have been planning away merrily. The rewards that will be on offer are the kinds of things that gamers love and, as DH:LoF has always tried to appeal to folks just looking for a good bit of gothic darkness, there are a bunch that have universal appeal.
Expect more news soon, m’dears. It’s all developing faster than a digital photo.